Last month we went on holiday. Biffy, myself, Grace, Helen, James, Ian and Angela all came. We went to Polenca, Majorca.
It was the 1st time we had flown with Grace and we approached it with a little apprehension.It didn't start well. All flights were delayed when we arrived at Luton. Apparently a silly person on their way to Poland was trying to take something on board a flight so corrosive it actually melted the floor. Well anyway, after much waiting, queuing, and walking around the terminal we finally checked in and made our way to plane. Well we had to leg it actually, nowadays with check in times and departure times they don't leave you much time to do anything but check in and then get on board. So after very quickly grabbing a sarnie we got on board and took off. Grace was ok for the entire flight, just a little wriggly and didn't want to sit quietly (no change there then!).
Well after the flight and a small tour of the airport to find our cars we made our way to the villa. We had asked for a secluded villa, but this really took the biscuit. After winding our way down very small roads, we eventually found our way to the villa. It was beautiful, just what we needed.
The Villa had 4 bedrooms, 2 up 2 down. We took the 2 downstairs, 1 for us 1 for Grace. The idea was so when Grace woke up early we would be able to get up and not wake anyone else up, sadly that didn't really happen.
The first few days, the weather were average, perfectly fine but not exceptionally sunny. Then it started to warm up, phew it got hot! So hot in fact that we couldn't walk on the patio as the slabs were too hot. Grace found this out too and stayed in the shadows from then on.
We had decided to eat out occasionally and decided to do this on our 1st day. We went to Port de Polenca. A lovely if not touristy town, we walked along the sea front looking for a place to eat. Grace saw a shop selling balls, so being in a nice relaxed holiday mood bought her one. Oops that was a mistake, she became obsessed by the bloody thing. "ball" was the word of the holiday from then on. That evening we heard that word a lot, so much in fact that during dinner we had to hide it. The discovery of the table tennis balls at the villa was another thing, she loved these, no problem there, apart from the fact that she also loved throwing them into the hedge!
We had some great food. Paella twice, bbq fish twice, and tapas! My kind of food. We even got take away Paella, what an idea! You pay per how many people are eating it plus a deposit for the dish which you have to return (apart from we didn't do this as it was our last night and we took our own!).
Blood mosquito's, if there was a god, why in all that is holly did you create these absolute bastards my lord? I was not really bitten to death, more massacred. It started the 1st evening. Just a little bite on the arm, then by morning i had some across my shoulder, then later on the other shoulder and eventually the next morning i had a line starting at one bicep going up to my shoulder along my back then down to my other bicep. You really could have had a great game of dot to dot on me. Everyone was very happy i was being bitten as i seemed to be taking them all for the team, i think it wasn't until the penutimate day that they stopped bothering with me as all was left by then was my rotting bones anyway. Oh and then the ants got me instead.
We had a lovley time and really can't wait to go on holiday again. Shame we've got a year to wait eh?
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